Container Labs

This project is a Laboratory/Office structure located inside a large warehouse for an industrial client. The client desperately needed an updated lab space and also needed new offices for managers and engineers. The existing space where this work needed to be completed provided several challenges. Firstly, the existing floor space was very tight, and the client needed as much space as possible for their product processes. Second, the roof height was very low and made conventional mezzanine construction overly complicated. Third, the lab needed to be inside an existing process space that included very sensitive machinery and raw product where the slightest dust particles and vibration would easily contaminate the product. These restraints led us quickly to propose a prefabricated solution to the problem. The solution was recycled shipping containers. Due to the incredible strength of these container’s steel structure and minimal height we felt these would provide the optimal solution to the project requirements. The shipping containers were altered and prefabricated off-site allowing the client’s product process to continue uninterrupted and when completed were assembled over a weekend with minimal disturbance. This project delivery saved a considerable amount of money and time, allowing us to create structural mezzanine space that wouldn’t have been possible using conventional construction.

Project Area: 1,500 sf

Architect: Clark Design Group

Richard Rinehart; Lead Designer & Project Manager

Structure: Baker Ingram and Associates


Contractor: M Davis and Sons

Winner AIA Baltimore People’s Choice Award 2020

Winner 2020 ABC Excellence in Construction Award